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Every work has a process, and every process has a story. As a researcher, I prioritize making these stories heard through the thorough usage of these processes and frameworks.
As a UX Researcher with a background in Product Design, my general process, as demonstrated in the image below, is one that combines small portions of both roles to create a robust structure and efficient workflow. This process is tailored to best fit my work style, and is not meant to be a one-size-fits-all for every and any researcher/designer out there.
Framework credit: Jeanette Fuccella
Initially, I put the most emphasis within the Define stage.
This stage is crucial as it is now when we define the scope of the project: problem framing. This dictates the direction, pace, tools, as well as the study protocols (Research phase) or our team would have to use for the project.
I like to describe my process as interchangeable building blocks
A chef needs cooking utensils, a carpenter needs woodworking tools, and a researcher needs frameworks and processes. These are a few that I like using:
Ps. Feel free to download and use them too!